Friday, October 10, 2008

BLOB update code

The sample code I'm posting today illustrates the techniques I described on my last post. Please note that this is really a sample - I will change it in the next incarnation in order to be more effective when binding data. Right now you can see a bit of a mess when binding columns because both the DBCOLUMNINFO and DBBINDING arrays are being used to find the column information addresses on the data buffer. Next version will have a unique array with all the required info to correctly and accurately describe each column. Enough of this and let's look at the code.

First of all, take a look at CRowset::SetValue. Here you see how text strings (only!) are written and how the code decides if the column is a BLOB or not. If we are writing to a BLOB column, the code creates a CBlobStream object and writes the string contents to it. Upon success, a pointer to the CBlobStream object is stored in the rowset data buffer. When this data is written to the provider (by calling IRowsetChange::SetData on the BLOB column's accessor handle), the provider calls the CBlobStream::Read method to read all the string contents into the BLOB storage. When it is done with it, the provider calls the Release method and the CBlobStream deletes itself - neat.

Finally, take a look at the CRowset::Insert, CRowset::Delete and CRowset::SetData methods. These implement the changes I described before. Also, note that these methods will work even if the IRowsetUpdate interface is not exposed.

Next up - After rewriting most of the column binding code, I will start talking about commands.

Sample files:,

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