On my previous post I described a very simple solution to improve the performance of
IImage::Draw - caching the converted image. This does speed up the process of drawing the alpha blended picture but has one drawback: you store the image twice. From what I understood from the
IImagingFactory::CreateImageFromBuffer online documentation, the supplied buffer is not immediately used and must be there throughout the
IImage object lifetime. So when you cache the image you are essentially storing two representations of the same thing (the original encoding and the decoded version). While this may not be a big issue for small images, this becomes a serious problem when using lots of images and / or larger images. So what can we do about this?
The idea is to have a single 32 bpp ARGB
HBITMAP in memory per image. As I showed before, using the shell API to load the images is a bad idea because it shrinks them to 16 bpp. Is there any other alternative to this? We can try to create a 32 bpp bitmap in memory and then use the
IImage object to paint it. After releasing the
IImage object, we should get a properly-formatted 32 bpp ARGB bitmap. On my next post I will illustrate this technique that was validated by master guru
Alex Feinman.
This is pretty much what I wanted to do as there seems to be no other way (using the Windows Mobile API, that is) to load a 32 bpp ARGB PNG file. Have you tried creating a simple 32 bpp bitmap (not a DIB section) and then painting the bitmap there?
I think that if you need more speed you may have to go down and use Direct Draw and even maybe paint the pixels yourself...
The ImageList API is alpha aware on mobile as on Win32.
See my CP blog at http://www.codeproject.com/script/Membership/View.aspx?mid=161329
Thanks for pointing this out, but does this perform per-pixel alpha blending?
I think so if the imagelist is created with ILC_COLOR32. That's why I first create it and then add a bitmap loaded from a png resource by ::SHLoadImageResource().
See the code at http://www.codeproject.com/Members/Alain-Rist#_comments
Hi Alain,
I also looked at the image list as a possibility, but when I looked at the Draw flags, none showed up as a likely candidate for per-pixel alpha blending. There are options to blend the whole bitmap, but none seemed appropriate for per-pixel. Well, I will just have to use your code and give it a go! ;-)
There's another issue that I came up with: SHLoadImageResource squashed the PNG file down to 16 bpp. Did you ever manage to load a 32 bpp PNG file and keep the 32 bits per pixel?
If the png is of type GIF it is loaded as 32 bits. I will check it anyway.
On VS 2008 I put the PNG files on the resource as PNG, not GIF. That might be the reason why I was seeing that behavior...
Apologies :(
SHLoadImageResource() loads the resource into a 16 bits DIB.
Formerly I used a more complicated approach and noticed I got as good results with this one, but it was probably just luck.
So my approach would be: Load the resource to IImage, ->Draw it to a 32bit DIB of requested size, and add the DIB to a ILC_COLOR32 ImageList.
ImageList_Draw should honour the alpha bits at pixel level.
Hopefully ;)
Hi, Thanks for the article.
I have a question, what does "bInfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 3780" mean? where does the number 3780 come from?
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