According to
this, Vista SP1 goes RTM today. I really want to install the SP1 and check the improvements it has in store for me. I have to tell you that Vista was a bit of a let-down when it refused to run eVC3 and eVC4 (I don't care about VS 2003). Microsoft's Virtual PC was also disappointing because it does not support USB, so I had to resort to a third-party VM (Parallels) to get a USB 1.1 emulation. Note that I do not expect that SP1 will add support for the eVC compilers, but I do expect to see some improvements in overall speed and especially when getting out of sleep mode. My Asus VX2 does not always wake up correctly and some drivers may not start correctly. The worst situation happened when the temperature control died after sleeping and the system overheated. I knew what happened because the whole thing shut down abruptly. So I'm really interested in seeing some improvements.
For what I have read, Vista SP1 does seem to wake up from sleeping mode faster... but it doesn't seem to come with new features!
I'm still *very* displeased with Microsoft's Vista business model, since they gave such big emphasis on Vista Ultimate Extras, and so far only a hand full of applications have been launched... :(
I am really interested to know is SP1 will be worth it. If not, I am planning to buy a larger HD for my laptop and split it in three partitions: one for Vista, one for XP and another to share between the both...
Hum... better start checking HD's prices! ;)
If you want, you can check Microsoft's white-paper on Vista SP1 changes here:
Oh, and Vista SP1 is already being distributed thru "back channels"...
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