Monday, April 25, 2005

Pocket Access - III

Pocket Access files are essentially mounted CEDB volumes with a very specific structure. They all contain four system tables:

  • MSysFields - Contains all the columns of all tables in the database, including the columns of the system tables.

  • MSysTables - Contains all the tables in the database, including the system tables themselves.

  • MSysIndexes - User indexes are all declared here.

  • MSysProcs - Stored procedures?

An empty Pocket Access database has all four tables created and the first two have some information: the system metadata. System tables are all created as type 3 (see below) and none contains a sort order with the exception of MSysFileds which has a sort order (type 0 - undocumented) on column zero.

To create a Pocket Access database, we must create all system tables an fill them with their default values. This process must be done in a very specific order: 1 - Mount a new CEDB volume; 2 - Create the databases and store their OIDs (the preferred order of creation is MSysFields, MSysTables, MSysIndexes, MSysProcs); 3 - Fill the MSysFields database; 4 - Fill the MSysTables database.

Each record on the MSysFields database has 5 columns (names taken from MSysFields itself):

  • TableID - (int) Table OID

  • FieldName - (string) Field name

  • FieldID - (int) Field property id

  • Len - (short) Field length

  • ODBCType - (short) Data type

The MSysTables table contains only 3 columns:

  • TableName - (string) Table name

  • TableID - (int) Table OID

  • TableFlags - (int) Table flags (system tables = 3, user = 0)

MSysIndexes has the following columns:

  • TableID - (int) Table OID

  • IndexName - (string) Index name

  • FieldID - (int) Field property id

  • IndexFlags - (int) CEDB sort order flags

1 comment:

João Paulo Figueira said...

You need the CEDB API in order to create a CDB file. The CEDB database format is not public, so there are only two ways you can create a CDB file on a PC: using an emulator or through RAPI (a Windows CE device is needed, though).