Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Touch List

This has been a busy month for me, as the number of posts clearly shows. After publishing the article on animating WTL child view transitions on Code Project, I decided to investigate how to implement a "touch" list on Windows Mobile. This kind of controls are all the rage right now, thanks to devices such as the Apple iPhone, or the HTC Touch Diamond. Many other device manufacturers are also implementing their own versions of these lists because they are easy to use and are "finger-friendly". Nowadays the trend seems to be towards using your own fingers and not the stylus.

So what does a "touch" list have to do? I would say it has to:
  • Scroll smoothly;
  • Follow your finger when you drag, scrolling the list;
  • Automatically scroll the list when you finish dragging it.

Let's look at each one of these requirements.

Smooth Scrolling
The native Windows CE list controls don't scroll very smoothly. In fact, they usually scroll taking the item height as the scrolling quantum. On some ocasions, you will even see a full list refresh when you request a new page. This is not an acceptable behavior for a touch list.

A touch list scrolls one pixel at a time if needed be, clipping the items that are partially visible.

Drag Scrolling
This feature is also not implemented in none of the native list controls. If you click an item and drag the stylus, the list will not scroll to follow it. The underlying item will be selected, or some other custom behavior will occur, but the list will not scroll.

A touch list follows your finger or stylus and scrolls to keep the selected item in sync.

This is the coolest feature of a touch list that makes it behave like a flywheel: you nudge it and it keeps turning until the spindle friction dissipates all energy and the wheel stops. I have yet to see if the standard implementations support some kind of list "inertia" where successive quick drags accelerate the scrolling speed. Of course, this is not implemented in any of the native lists.

My Proposal
After considering all of the above, I wrote a sample implementation of a touch list (download here). The sample displays your contacts list (the FileAs property) and allows you to scroll the list up and down. It follows your finger and autoscrolls if you drag it quickly.

The implementation is far from complete and you will see lots of things changing in the next few days as I implement item states, mutiple columns, horizontal scrolling and some other cool features. Ah, this is WTL 8.0, of course!


Unknown said...

HI,How can i use this code in Win32.

Unknown said...

HI,How can i use this code in Win32.